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We are from class 3-7.

Leader: Haojie.
Head Secretary: Yingxi.
Assistant Secretary: Weichin.
Blog Designer: Sherry.
Time Keeper: Alex.
IT Coordinator: Jolinda.

Project Theme:
Project Task: A.

You are to set up a blog
to reflect on the challenges
At a social cohesion that
Singapore(a multi-social society)
has faced and is facing today.
You are to blog about:
How the government
Has managed ethnic diversity
and the importance of doing so.
You are also to explore other ways
of bonding Singapore
and to invite comments on
your suggestions or proposals.




Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 9:24 AM♥
Our overall reflection!

HaoJie says:
Social Cohesion isn't too hard, it's just that people are unwilling to let go of their differences. Treat everyone as an equal, that way we can all work together like good friends, happily. :D

Alex says:
Together everyone work together as one
Everyone will live happily
Achieve more peace and harmony
More friendship will be cultivated

WeiChin says:
I can learn that streaming can have a great impact on fostering social cohesion with the other racial friends. The teachers should teach the students to make friend of the different race to prevent the occurring of "Divisiveness in Academic and Economic Determination. National education and racial harmony certainly is important to foster social cohesion student tend to make friends of their own race and make fun of the other race. Celebrating racial harmony is really a good way to foster social cohesion, it would be good if the students from the school could wear other race traditional costumes.
Social studies should focus more on social cohesion and not about Singapore's constraints and needs. It is difficult to breed social cohesion when the young are brought up in a school environment that unwittingly transmits values that conflict with social cohesion.
Community Involvement Programme is good thing because in the programme student can interact with the other race by doing CIP. Awarding CIP points to student is the fastest way to secure youth involvement in the community but it reinforces the motivation of self-reward and individualism in the young.

YingXi says:
I learn that there is a need to manage racial and religious sensitivities and promote tolerance and harmony. It is also the responsibilities of the people to prevent division among people in the society, staying active in identifying threats and strengthening social bonds. Irresponsible media reporting or newspapaer can be a trigger to issues of race which can cause distrust, suspicion and even hostility among the race groups. Difference in religious beliefs and practices are also issues that can be used to create tension.

Sherry says:
The mutli-ethnic compositioncan be a potential source of conflictif it is not managed effectively.If Singapore faces threatsthat can endanger the bond that we share,it could affect the economic,security and peace of Singapore.Therefore,there is a need to manage ethnic diversity."One for All, All for One that is! :D"

Jol says:
Singapore, not only made up of one person, one race but it is made up of many people, different races. To build a better nation, everyone's effort is important, everyone must be united.
